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with the theme Elvis Presley


Elvis Aaron Presley (born Tupelo (Mississippi), January 8, 1935 - died Memphis (Tennessee), August 16, 1977) was an American singer and actor. He is known worldwide under the alias The King of Rock 'n Roll or simply The King. Elvis is one of the most successful, influential and popular solo artists of all time. Presley's manager “Colonel” Tom Parker was a Dutchman by birth, who was actually named Dries van Kuijk. Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977 in Memphis. The official place of death according to his death certificate was the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis. He was taken there after being found unconscious in the bathroom of his home, Graceland, by Ginger Alden, his then fiancée. According to some witnesses he had actually died before the hospital’s ambulance arrived.

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1987, Elvis Presley 4 s/s overprints

svspb045, Saint Vincent, 1987

Mint NH

1992, Elvis Presley 9v m/s

svsp1983kb, Saint Vincent, 1992

Mint NH

1996, Elvis Presley records 6v

svsp3761kb, Saint Vincent, 1996

Mint NH

1995, Elvis Presley 9v m/s

svsp3220kb, Saint Vincent, 1995

Mint NH
Mint NH
First Day Cover

2002, Elvis Presley 6v m/s

svsp5530kb, Saint Vincent, 2002

Mint NH

1995, Cinema centenary, Elvis Presley 6v m/s

svsp3229kb, Saint Vincent, 1995

Mint NH
Mint NH

2004, Elvis Presley 4v m/s

svsp6093kb, Saint Vincent, 2004

Mint NH

1991, Entertainers 8v m/s

svs1891kb, Saint Vincent, 1991

Mint NH
First Day Cover

2004, Elvis Presley 4v m/s

svspn4ela, Saint Vincent, 2004

2013, Union Island, Elvis Presley s/s

svsp31304u, Saint Vincent, 2013

1988, Pop musicians 4v

swd1360, Germany, Federal Republic, 1988

Mint NH
Maximum Cards

2004, Rockstars 8v in booklet

szdc301, Sweden, 2004

Mint NH
First Day Cover

1997, Elvis Presley s/s

szrpb072, Congo Dem. Republic, (zaire), 1997

1997, Elvis Presley 9v m/s

szrp1283kb, Congo Dem. Republic, (zaire), 1997

Mint NH

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